Sellercare® Services
Hijacked Listing Removal
Have your listings been hijacked by other Amazon/Walmart sellers? We'll assist you with the removal process and get the sellers taken off your listings. We'll analyze your brand and identify the sellers that are listing counterfeit products on your listings. We specialize in working with private label trademarked brands.
Amazon Account Reinstatement
We specialize in the most difficult cases. The majority of our clients submit multiple ineffective appeals prior to starting our service. Our insight, knowledge, and experience give us an upper hand when it comes to dealing with every type of suspension. We’re able to identify the cause of the suspension, the measures required to resolve the violations, and the prevention steps for future compliance. We help sellers get reinstated by providing the solutions that Seller Performance considers effective for reinstatement.
ASIN/Listing Reinstatement
Since we cater to top selling clients, each ASIN/listing is important for business. Most sellers depend on their top selling ASINs/listings in order to generate and maintain high-volume sales on Amazon/Walmart. Once an ASIN/listing is suspended, sellers lose income quickly while the item is inactive on the storefront. Since this is a time sensitive matter, we treat these cases in the same manner as an account suspension. We assist sellers with reinstating top selling blocked products.
Walmart Account Reinstatement
Based on our knowledge of Amazon operations, we decided to also assist sellers with Walmart reinstatement. Our insight, knowledge, and experience give us an upper hand when it comes to dealing with every type of suspension. We’re able to identify the cause of the suspension, the measures required to resolve the violations, and the prevention steps for future compliance. We help sellers get reinstated by providing the solutions that Seller Performance considers effective for reinstatement.
Suspension Prevention
If an account is active, our goal is to help sellers prevent suspension by submitting appeals when any notice has been received on the account. Unfortunately, it’s common for Seller Performance to initiate account reviews that are time sensitive. Typically, a notice will instruct sellers to provide an appeal within “24 hours” in order to prevent suspension. We understand the urgency of these types of notices and we help sellers by providing appeals that finalize the review and prevent suspension.
Account Notation
Seller Performance regularly sends notices to sellers which indicate various violations that need to be addressed. Since these notices don’t explicitly state that they put the account at risk of suspension, the majority of sellers ignore these notices. Each notice needs to be addressed so Seller Performance can see that the seller has identified the error and is applying actions to remedy the violation. We help sellers address these notices by getting the account notated of compliance with Amazon/Walmart TOS.